
The case of Jeffrey Epstein has captured global attention in recent years, with several high-profile individuals linked to the notorious financier and convicted sex offender.
One of these individuals is former US President Bill Clinton.
With the release of court documents in Epstein's case this week, we now have more information about the nature of their relationship, which is somewhat disturbing.
The court documents in question are taken from a 2016 defamation lawsuit filed by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of Epstein's alleged victims, against Ghislaine Maxwell, who is currently serving 20 years in prison for her involvement in the late billionaire's crimes.
Giuffre's lawyers sought to depose Clinton as part of her defamation suit against Maxwell, because they said Clinton was “a key person who could provide information about his close relationship with the defendant and Mr. Epstein,” according to a court document unsealed Wednesday. . Epstein died in prison in 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.
“Apart from the Defendant and Mr. Epstein, former President Clinton is a key person who could provide information about his close relationship with the Defendant and Mr. Epstein and deny Ms. Maxwell’s allegations,” the court document said.
There are no allegations of any wrongdoing by Clinton, but her close and well-documented relationship with a convicted child pedophile and sex trafficker raises eyebrows.
RELATED: Report: Bill Clinton appears more than 50 times in Jeffrey Epstein files
Clinton is a 'key person' in the Epstein/Maxwell relationship – she allegedly liked young girls
It is necessary to remind observers that mentioning Clinton's name in these court documents does not rise to the level of allegations of illegal activity.
However, one witness commented on what Epstein allegedly told her regarding the former president's preferences when it came to the opposite sex.
Joanna Sjoberg, another woman who claimed Epstein sexually assaulted her, testified that the financier told her that “Clinton liked them at a young age, referring to girls.”
Naturally, Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky in the White House, a scandal that rocked the political world in the 1990s. It was a relationship that would eventually lead to his impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice as he attempted to cover up his actions.
The affair between Clinton and Lewinsky was widely considered an abuse of power by the then-president, due to their professional positions and age difference.
Clinton was 49 years old at the time, while Lewinsky was only 22 years old.
“Clinton loves them when they are young.”
Clinton has also been accused of multiple infidelities, sexual assaults, and even rape by former nursing home owner Juanita Broderick.
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Clinton denies having a close personal relationship with Epstein
Angel Urena, Bill Clinton's spokesman, responded to the startling court documents by pointing to a statement previously issued in 2019, in which he told Newsweek that “nothing has changed” since then.
After Epstein's arrest that year, Urena tweeted a permit The former president admitted that he made “four trips” on the billionaire’s private plane.
In addition to the four acknowledged trips, Clinton traveled on Epstein's private plane — the “Lolita Express” — 26 separate times, according to a Fox News analysis. Further analyzes of flight records resulted in claims for a smaller number of flights.
Doug Band, a former top Clinton aide, made shocking claims in a 2020 interview with Vanity Fair, including claims that the former president took a trip in 2003 to Epstein's famous private island.
Epstein made at least 17 visits to the White House, according to presidential records.
There is no evidence that Clinton visited Epstein's Caribbean island, Little St. James. Maxwell's lawyers stated that he “did not in fact travel to or be present on Little St. James Island between January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2003.”
While the former president's camp denies a close personal relationship with Epstein, another court document shows Giuffre justifies impeaching Clinton because of what it specifically describes as his “close personal relationship” with Epstein.

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