The great danger in life is to live reactively, jumping from activity to activity without a plan or purpose. When we live a purposeful life, life becomes meaningful – and that gives us energy. Suppose we started our days, weeks, and months by asking questions:
* What is the one thing I want to achieve today in my personal life and in my professional life that will make today a success?
* What is the one thing I want to achieve this week in my personal and professional life that will make the week a success?
* What is the one thing I want to achieve this month in my personal and professional life that will make the month a success?
* What is the one thing I want to achieve this year in my personal and professional life that will make the year a success?
That's it: every day, every week, every month, every year is guided by a unique vision. What is the one thing that will lead you to look back on each day, week, month and year and feel proud of what you have accomplished?
Once we have a vision, we cannot live on autopilot. The only thing you want to achieve is your mission statement – it drives you and inspires you. The danger is not in trying and failing; It never tries and never discovers what we are capable of.
In-depth reading:
Make your passion your goal
The profound psychological benefits of a purposeful life