On January 1, 2024, two hundred and thirty-one current and former service members from various branches of the United States Armed Forces gathered to sign the Declaration of Military Responsibility.
This document, led by Commander Robert A. Green Jr. of the US Navy, an important moment in military history, calling for comprehensive reforms and accountability within the armed forces.
Veteran Brad Miller Written on X“At 4 a.m. EST today (a few minutes ago), senior military leaders received an email attached to a letter called the Declaration of Military Accountability. I know because I sent the email. I sent it on behalf of myself and the 230 other signatories of the letter.
“The message is not directed to military leaders but to the American people. The email was merely to inform these military leaders that there is a group of troops and vets pledging to the American people that we will do everything we can legally to stop the deliberate destruction of our military by their leadership. Let's take our country back to 2024 and let's start defending our military from its leadership. You can find the text of the message below. We will soon put it on a website where you can find it too, along with the names of the 231 signatories.
He added, “In their open letter to the American people, the signatories stress the importance of moral and religious foundations as expressed by the second US President, John Adams, stressing that the Constitution is designed for a society based on these values.”
The letter stated in part:
Officers and officers are not the only ones complicit in the recent illegal activities, as a large number of SES leaders and political appointees have contributed. Evidence indicates that other enforcement agencies are engaged in illegal activity. However, as service members and veterans, we feel a special responsibility to the Department of Defense, and in accordance with our oath, we will do our best to demonstrate by example, how The organization can put its house in order from the inside.
We, the undersigned, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of military service members and the American people, while appealing to the world's highest judge for guidance and purity of faith, Mutual pledge To each other that we will do everything in our power, by lawful word and deed, To hold the military accountable.
The declaration lays out grave concerns about the current state of the nation, highlighting “greedy corruption” and failures within key institutions, including the Ministry of Defence.
Much of the ad criticizes the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate within the military. The authors accuse military leaders of “breaking laws, trampling on constitutional rights, denying informed consent, allowing unwilling medical experiments, and suppressing the free exercise of religion.”
The signatories link these measures to a range of consequences experienced by service members and their families, including financial hardship, emotional distress, physical illness, and, in some cases, homelessness and death.
In their pledge, the undersigned commit to holding their leadership accountable through ethical and legal means. They express their intentions to rebuild trust by showing that leaders cannot ignore constitutional rights or laws for political gain.
Signatories include a variety of ranks and positions, from high-ranking officers to enlisted personnel, across the various branches of the U.S. military.
Read the full message below:
In the course of human events, it sometimes becomes necessary to warn the lawless, encourage the faint-hearted, and strengthen the weak. We have reached such a time in our history. Our nation's affairs are now mired in predatory corruption, and our once-powerful institutions, including the Department of Defense, are failing to live up to the moral obligations on which they were founded. Based on our natural and constitutional rights, we inform the American people that we have exhausted all domestic efforts to correct recent criminal activity within the Armed Forces.
In the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers sought secession. We do not seek separation, but through this message and the efforts we undertake here, we seek restoration through accountability. We are determined to rebuild confidence and restore the rule of law, especially within the armed forces. Ultimately, we strive to once again become a moral people, to reclaim our nation, to make it once again worthy of the great gift of freedom won by the American people in the colonial era.
In implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders have violated the law, trampled on constitutional rights, denied informed consent, allowed unwilling medical experiments, and suppressed the free exercise of religion.
Service members and their families have been greatly harmed by these actions. Their suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally and physically. Some service members have become part of the ever-growing veteran homeless population, some have developed debilitating injuries from the vaccine, and some have even lost their lives. In an apparent attempt to avoid accountability, military leaders continue to ignore our communications about these casualties and the laws that were violated.
For General Milley, ADM Grady, GEN McConville, ADM Gilday, ADM Lescher, Gen Brown, Gen Berger, Gen Smith, VADM Kilby, VADM Nowell, VADM Fuller, LTG Martin, Lt Gen Davis, MG Edmondson, GEN Williams, ADM Fagan, VADM Buck, Lt Gen Clark, MG Francis, LTG Dingle, Lt Gen Miller, RADM Gillingham, and many others;
These individuals have enabled lawlessness and experimentation on unwilling service members. The moral and physical damage they helped inflict is significant. They betrayed the trust of service members and the American people. Their actions have caused irreparable harm to the armed forces and the institutions for which we fought and bled.
These leaders refused to resign or take any other action to hold themselves accountable, and did not attempt to repair the damage their policies and actions had caused. Since there is no accountability yet, the undersigned give our word to do whatever is morally permissible and legally possible to hold our leadership accountable. We are determined to rebuild trust by showing that leaders cannot abandon constitutional rights or the law for the sake of political expediency.
Officers and officers are not the only ones complicit in the recent illegal activities, as a large number of SES leaders and political appointees have contributed. Evidence indicates that other enforcement agencies are engaged in illegal activity. However, as military service members and veterans, we feel a special responsibility to the Department of Defense, and in accordance with our oath, we will do our best to demonstrate by example how an organization can put its house in order.
We the undersigned, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of military service members and the American people, as we appeal to the world's highest judge for guidance and purity of intent, mutually pledge to each other that we will do everything in our power, through the law in word and deed, to hold accountable military leaders who have failed In following the law when their leadership and moral courage were needed most.
In the coming years, thousands of our network will run for Congress and seek appointments to executive offices, while those of us still on active duty will continue to put in the fulfillment of our oaths before seeking rank or position. For those who have the legal authority to do so, we pledge that military commanders who have broken the law will be recalled from retirement and will be held court-martial for the crimes they committed. For those of us who rise to legislative office, we pledge to introduce legislation to eliminate all retirement income for military leaders who were criminally complicit, and we will ensure that none of them serve or retire from the senior executive service.
This endeavor will be an ongoing process with a long-term time horizon, but fulfilling our oath to defend the Constitution requires such constant vigilance. Likewise, we are obligated, and therefore committed, to train those who come after us to fulfill their duty to achieve this accountability and protect against such leadership failures in the future.
Our nation was once great because it was good. It was built on moral principles founded in natural law, yet the recent acceleration of moral relativism has pushed us toward an accelerating implosion. While all good things come to an end, we refuse to allow our nation to quietly sink into the depths of decadence and decadence. We promise to exhaust all moral, ethical and legal means to restore the rule of law and we will begin trying to hold senior military leaders accountable. The Constitution is the supreme law in our country. We will fight to enforce this law and put an end to the two-tier justice system. We hope that future generations will see our efforts and, God willing, also be recipients of the great gift of freedom that we have had the honor of preserving.