In the past few weeks, there has been a resurgence of hope within the UFO community that the United States government will finally have to upgrade its knowledge of extraterrestrials and their visit to our planet. Those of us who have seen too many movies (and I mean those of us) have anxiously wondered whether the government has just the right undertones for first contact in a close encounter of the third kind.
But, alas, it looks as if our “first class” military leader and fearless commander-in-chief dropped three balloons for car dealerships, or perhaps drones gifted to teens from Christmas, or even better… weather balloons.
Hobby Group Fears Biden Dropped $12 Balloon With Sidewall..🤣
The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade reported ‘missing one of its balloons’ around the same time the site planes dropped something over Alaska.
– Lawyer (@ lawyerforlaws) February 16, 2023
While this potential is very disappointing, if predictable, I popped it in honor of one of my favorite holidays; It would be fun to recall some of the greatest UFO strikes from presidential history.
So grab your tin hat, grab those binoculars, and prepare for things to get a little weird, as most alien-related topics tend to get. Hail cue to the boss, and let’s get this outer space party started.
The Founding Fathers and UFOs
UFOs have been rumored to visit our great leaders since the original and my favorite President, George Washington. Many UFO enthusiasts debate how true the story is that a UFO and an alien visited Georgie on a fateful night in Valley Forge.
They refer to the story in which George Washington claimed that an angel visited him that night and told him a prophecy of what a great nation we would become. This angel has clearly left out the part about reality TV and avocado toast.
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The argument is that this angel was actually a time-traveling alien. But, unfortunately, this story is based on … a story.
George Washington never claimed to have been visited by an angel, but he makes for some great historical romances. But let’s not forget, good ole George wasn’t the only Founding Father associated with UFOs.
Another of my all-time favorites was concerned with otherworldly visitors. When Thomas Jefferson was vice president, he described a close encounter he learned of in Volume VI of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.
The title of the article was “Description of a Unique Phenomenon Seen in Baton Rouge,” by William Dunbar.
Too bad Jefferson didn’t have side-by-side missiles at the time.
^ Senator Marco Rubio on CBS
“We don’t know what they are. They don’t know what they are. They haven’t told anyone. They haven’t told us what it is. They may not know themselves, and they may never know.”# tweets #ufo #uap free Lord, save her
– UAP James (@UAPJames) February 16, 2023
Related: Conspiracy theories abound in light of the UFO crashes and the silence of the White House
Flying objects or balloons?
Fast forward to the most significant UFO incident in American history, the Roswell Incident of 1947. It’s easily one of my favorite UFO stories; The legend is that a flying saucer crashed in Roswell, New Mexico.
In fact, the USAAF issued a statement saying a plate had been found, only to embarrassingly return it, stating it was a weather balloon. It’s good to know that the Department of Defense has kept its communication strategies intact.
A year later, President Harry Truman instructed his aide, Robert B. Now this is fun and frustrating at the same time.
If there are UFOs, wouldn’t they inherently have threatening strategic implications? But, then again, you’ve probably seen a lot of movies. However, my expert experience has been that aliens are almost always bad news.
I mean, you can’t think aliens would look like the little nugget of ET? They’re obviously going to take on a more macabre and scary flavor, like the Xenomorphs from Alien.
While I’m a somewhat tough cookie, I’m no Ellen Ripley.
Ellen Ripley and her cat…# cats life # the cats #Aliens
– Erico™ ️ 🌊🦩🌴 (@EricoTheriault) February 7, 2023
Related topics: Exclusive Ancient Aliens: What Unites Humankind When Everything Else Divides Us
Bipartisan experiences
Two presidents from recent history have claimed to have actually seen a UFO. The first is Jimmy Carter’s peanut head.
correct; He told Larry King that he and 25 other young men experienced a UFO encounter one night on campus when he was younger. He described it as “a strange light coming towards us, a round light”.
Carter went on to say, “It got nearer and nearer and over the pines it came to a complete halt and then began to change colors from blue to red to white. Then it stayed there for a while. We were all terrified.”
Oh! You don’t hear much about this story when people remember Jimmy Carter. But it doesn’t end there.
Another favorite of mine, President Ronald Reagan, saw what he described as “a big light flying a little behind the plane” when he was heading to Bakersfield in 1974.
US Navy vs US Air Force 🧂
Ross Coulhart notes that a senior US Navy commander went to the Biden White House and accused the US Air Force of concealing UFO information that had created a general weakness in US defense.# tweets #uaptwitter #UFO # UFOs
Mike Colangelo February 16, 2023
Related: Nick Pope explains the significance of the government’s recent interest in UFOs in an exclusive interview
The chief’s responses to the knowledge of aliens
Perhaps the most die-hard presidential UFO investigator is the wanna-be-funny Jimmy Kimmel. On his show, he asked every president who came to him if they knew anything about aliens.
When asked by President George W. Bush, he said, “I’m not going to tell you no.” good for your george; You keep that secret buried deep inside and don’t share it with a late night hack.
When President Bill Clinton asked if he would tell the American people if there were aliens, he said yes. As if we could believe it; Come on now, he wasn’t called Slick Willy for nothing.
When asked by the Lord and Savior of the Left, President Barack Obama, his response was naturally bloated, saying “The aliens will not allow disclosure, you will reveal all their secrets, and they will exercise strict control over us. I cannot reveal anything.”
Here we are today, if you take the reports at face value, our aging president is dropping benign balloons while allowing Chinese spy balloons to traverse the nation as nothing.
If aliens ever visit, I hope they cheer me up and take me away because they must have a better sense than some of the clowns we have behind the wheel here.
💥 President Biden addresses UFO activity
“We don’t know exactly what these three things are.”
“My Secretary of State will lead an effort to help establish common global standards in this largely unregulated space.”# tweets #uap
– UAP James (@UAPJames) February 16, 2023
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