ROTTERDAM, N.Y. (NEWS10) — A school for children with special needs will soon have its own building. Crossroads Children's Center is moving into a building on Becker Drive in Rotterdam.
It used to house a former school and has been empty for years. The center held a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday before renovation work began.
They are expanding the building and creating an enclosed courtyard. Leaders said it's an ideal place for the students they serve.
“It is difficult for us to find the right building for our students,” Crossroads Center for Children Exec. monastery. “It really needed to look like a school,” Kelly Young said. Once we did that, we had to dig deeper into financing to make sure we could afford the building.
The cost of the project is approximately $7 million. The school has about 120 students from 20 local areas. They hope to move into the new building in the fall.