The fifth film in the Indiana Jones series, Indiana Jones and the Connection of DestinyThe film revolves around Indy (Harrison Ford) and his goddaughter Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge), who try to track down an artifact that changed the world before Dr. Fuller (Mads Mikkelsen), a former Nazi turned NASA scientist, who plans to use it to change the outcome of World War II. the second.
The film is an action-adventure classic that will be a cult favorite among Indiana Jones fanatics. Here are some of the best quotes from Indiana Jones and the Connection of Destiny.
- Indiana Jones: You.
doctor. full of: Have we met?
Helena: [confused] no.
Indiana Jones: My memory is a bit hazy, but your face rings a bell. Are you still a Nazi? - doctor. full of: Yesterday belongs to us, Dr. Jones.
- doctor. full of: I will never go back to Alabama!
- Helena: You don't remember me, do you?
Indiana Jones: Whatever I did, I apologize - Indiana Jones: Archimedes did not know about continental drift!
- Helena Shaw: I am waiting. Now you think the dial has magical powers?
Indiana Jones: I don't believe in magic, wombat. But many times in my life, I've seen things. Things I can't explain. And I've come to believe that it's not so much what you think. It's how hard it is to believe. - a prayer: Give 'em hell, Indiana Jones!
- doctor. full of: She should have stayed in New York.
Indiana Jones: She should have stayed out of Poland. - Indiana Jones: Going to the moon is like going to Reno and finding out they don't have blackjack.
- Helena: You've taken your chances, made your mistakes… and now, achieve the ultimate victory!
- doctor. full of: You don't seem to understand, Miss Shaw. These relics are my property.
Indiana Jones: It's not for you. I stole it.
doctor. full of: Then I stole it.
Helena: And then I stole it. It's called capitalism. - Teddy Kumar: [about Renaldo] So, this is an expert diver?
Indiana Jones: The greatest frogman in Spain.
Teddy Kumar: So, Spain's greatest frogman has a dirty boat and only one good frog leg?
Helena Shaw: Stop it. - Indiana Jones: what are you doing here? Helena Shaw: Save you!