Paul King movie 2023 Wonka Focuses on the origin story of Willy Wonka. It follows Timothée Chalamet as Willy Wonka, who dreams of opening a shop in a city famous for its chocolate. However, as he begins to move towards his goal, his luck dries up as he puts himself in debt to Mrs. Scribbets. Worse still, Wonka discovers that the local chocolate industry is run by a chocolate cartel led by Gerald Brudno's (Matt Lucas), Arthur Slugworth (Patterson Joseph), and Felix Fickelgruber (Matthew Baynton).
Upon its release, the Warner Bros. film received positive critical acclaim WonkaCritics described it as “entertaining” and “dazzling”. The film did well at the box office, earning $39 million upon its opening, indicating it is a fan favorite for the December movie season.
With a bunch of great comedies, Wonka It's a fun film, with great scores and songs by John Talbot and Neil Hannon. So, here are some of the most memorable quotes from the latest Wonka film.
- Willy Wonka: I have spent the past seven years traveling the world, perfecting my craft. You see, I'm a magician, inventor, and chocolatier. So shut up and listen. no. Scratch that, reverse it.
- Willie's mother: Everything beautiful in this world started with a dream. So you stick with yours.
- Willy Wonka: So, you're the funny little guy who's been following me.
Oompa Loompa: I'll have you know, I'm a pretty respectable size for an Oompa Loompa. - the pasta: What do you do?
Willy Wonka: I make chocolate, of course. How do you like it? dark? white? nutty? Completely crazy. - Willy Wonka: Ladies and gentlemen of Gallery Gourmet, my name is Willy Wonka!
- Police chief: Chocolate is not sold in this city!
- Willy Wonka: Mark my words, this will be the greatest chocolate shop the world has ever seen!
- Counter crisis: A lot of people came here to sell chocolate, and they were all crushed by the chocolate cartel. You can't have a store without selling chocolate, and you can't sell chocolate without a store.
- Willy Wonka: You'll be thankful for the ankle. She will be happy to see your knees. But if you want to make her sigh, show some thigh!
- Mrs. Script: Mr. Wonka, I can see that you are a man of great ingenuity.
- Oompa Loompa: Oompah Lore is pretty straightforward. You steal from us and we get it back a thousand fold.
- Slugworth: You can change her life, Mr. Wonka, change all of their lives.
- Nice officer: No daydreaming.
- Larry Chucklesworth: Rub rub!
- Ovary: Orphan syndrome!