I know that my outdoor adventures have an impact on the health of the Earth. Ditto for all my clothes and outerwear. But I love camping, hiking, biking, canoeing, snowshoeing, and so much more – these are the activities that bring me great joy and give meaning to my life. But from now on, I need to do everything I can to make the outdoor gear and clothing I use more environmentally sustainable.
Fortunately, I hate any kind of waste – and I always do. I have composted forever. Our food waste is a small part of Average Canadian family. We only had one car, even with all the kids' activities. I run errands on my bike, or walk whenever I can.
I throw things Facebook Market Regularly, and I do not buy unnecessary things. And when it comes to our outdoor gear and apparel, I'm all for buying quality over quantity from trusted outdoor brands that are committed to sustainability.
So, what can you and I do to make our outdoor gear and clothing more sustainable? How can we prolong its life? And if we can't, what reputable companies make outdoor gear with a smaller environmental footprint?
This is a question I've thought about for some time. Fortunately, where there's a will, there's a way. We can rent, repair and recycle used outdoor gear and apparel and go one step further – buy new outdoor gear made by companies that value the planet.
Here's a look at options to make your outdoor gear and apparel more sustainable.
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1. Rent, borrow, swap or give away outdoor equipment – one of the most sustainable options
If you only need a canoe once a year for a week, you're better off renting or borrowing it from a friend, perhaps for a couple of bottles of wine. The same goes for campers, bikes, tents, and anything else you only use once or twice a year.
One organization that can help you with this is Quibi. Their slogan is “Rent almost anything from people nearby“.From what I saw, there is a lot of photography and camping equipment for rent on their website.
In Banff check out Land equipment rental. They rent everything from SUP to camping and trekking equipment as well as satellite communications equipment. It also provides a Gear repair and cleaning service And sell some of their old rental equipment.
Of course, there are many companies that rent equipment in every city and national park in North America, so do some research before making a large purchase. Life is easier with less, not more.
Buying used rental equipment is a great way to get the equipment you want at a cheap price. We have snowshoes that are now 25 years old that we purchased at a huge discount. I don't think they will ever wear out.
Universities are another great place to rent equipment. Examples of this are: Calgary Outdoor Centre At the University of Calgary. You'll find everything including camp stoves, tarps, sleeping bags and kayaks to list only a small portion of what they offer.
Gear swaps
Be sure to check the gear swaps. There is an outdoor area in Calgary Gear swap page on Facebook -And I'm sure a lot of cities across North America offer the same thing.
Deposit your old outdoor gear and clothing
Most cities have third party shipping stores. It's a great way to get rid of your outerwear and outdoor gear for cash or store credit. YYC gear shift It ships everything from sunglasses to backpacks, and from Thermarests to small nails.


2. Repair of external equipment
My biggest pet peeve with outerwear is the primary zipper. I don't want to throw away an item of clothing just because it has a zipper. In my experience, it's the number one thing that breaks everything in – raincoats, winter coats, fleeces, shorts, pants, tents – you name it.
Fortunately, most other equipment and outdoor apparel malfunctions can be repaired.
Outdoor equipment and apparel repair options in Canada and the United States
MEC – MEC stores are equipped to handle small repairs such as zipper pulls and often stock replacement poles and parts. Many MEC stores work with third-party equipment repairers. Contact your local store and they can point you in the right direction.
Restock gear – With our locations in Calgary, Denver, and Philadelphia, you can get excellent equipment repair with an above average turnaround time – another important factor as we all know. They are also 1% of the planet member.
Arcteryx – Send the clothes back (but get a return authorization number first) and they will repair or replace them, if the problem is a manufacturing defect.
Mountain fox – Some stores offer on-site repairs although it may take a few weeks. Call ahead to book your Fjällräven clothing delivery service only.
The spirit of the West – A Calgary-based company once rescued me and attached the shock card to my tent poles while I waited. They will also repair technical fabrics, replace zippers, and add water resistance to your favorite outdoor gear.
reconnect – An Ottawa based company that sells a wide range of repair parts including zippers, zipper pulls, gate guards, shock cord, rope locks, D-rings, buckles, hardware styles and much more.
Off-piste workshop – A company based in Gatineau, Quebec, specializing in the repair of outdoor equipment, shoes, leather and canvas accessories including sleeping bags and tents.
Yanagi repair shop – A company in Merrickville, Ontario that will repair your beloved items whether it is clothing or outdoor gear. It also repairs outdoor covers and leather items.
Renewt technical clothing specialist – A company in Vancouver, BC that includes a team of industry experts from companies like Mustang and Arc'teryx. They can carry out technical repairs, adjustments, technical washing and reactivation of water repellent properties (DWR).


Repair your outdoor equipment with these products
Gear help bar and patches Ideal for small holes in tents, sleeping bags, jackets and the like. I always carry these on backpacking trips.
Gear Aid Flexible Repair Adhesive To patch small punctures and leaks such as in a drysuit, wetsuit or raft.
Gear Auxiliary Zipper Repair Kit – Comes with detailed instructions.
Adhesive tape or Gorilla repair tape – It can save you from epic failure.
Don't forget the tape – Find plenty of tips in this book by Kristen Hostetter for repairing and maintaining your outdoor gear.
3. Recycle outdoor gear and clothing
It can be difficult to find good used outerwear, but it's worth doing because it reduces water, waste, and transportation emissions.
If you have old Arc'teryx gear – head to your nearest store and trade in eligible parts for a gift certificate worth 20% of the original price. It can be used as credit at a brand store, online or at regear.arcteryx.com. Note that only in April 2024, you can get 30% again As a credit on your old outerwear.
Facebook Market
Throw your used gear and clothing on Facebook Marketplace. Name brands usually sell out quickly and easily.
In the US, REI members can redeem their gear for an e-gift card. Check the Online trading eligibility and credit value. You can also mail your clothing/gear for just $6.
Trade in Patagonia clothing Don't want more for a credit of up to 50% of the resale price. Check before visiting the store. You can also send eligible equipment and clothing. Clothing such as swimwear, base layers and t-shirts are not accepted.
North face
The North Face offers a limited lifetime warranty on most products in an effort to reduce the vast amount of textile products that end up in landfills! In the United States there is something called The north face is renewed and restored North Face members can bring used gear into North Face retail stores or outlets and receive a $10 credit. (I assume for each piece of gear.)
After the equipment is returned, it is cleaned, repaired – and resold again North face circular Or donate it.


4. Buy sustainable clothing and outdoor gear brands
Every purchase you make from a sustainable outdoor brand supports eco-friendly policies like fair trade, plastic-free packaging where possible, and using recycled or upcycled materials. The first brand that comes to my mind is Patagonia – Founder 1% for the planeRan organization that now includes 5,200 business members and more than 6,700 environmental partners.
Other well-known brands with Good record Includes Tentree, Cotopaxi, Icebreaker, Kuhl, Smartwool, Arc'teryx, prAna, Fjallraven, MEC, The North Face, La Sportiva, Rab, Vaude and REI.
5. Final thoughts on how to make the world a better place
We can all do our best to make outdoor gear and apparel more sustainable. I hope for those of you who are keen to make a difference this post has inspired you to buy less and recycle more of your old clothes and gear.
Every positive action you take – no matter how small – can make a difference. I think we all value a healthier planet in the future.
What is it Outdoor brands you love With a great commitment to the environment?
Outdoor adventures to feed your soul
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