March 7: Burnt Banksy announces the launch of the XION mainnet, “the first blockchain network specifically designed for mainstream adoption and the first to use USDC, a fully reserved digital dollar, as the primary transaction currency,” according to the team: “This announcement was made as part of Burnt’s exclusive performance In New York, where the founder set himself on fire and then set XION on fire, symbolizing a new light for the cryptocurrency industry.”
March 6: Retail flowThe leading decentralized finance (DeFi) trading platform, today announced the launch of its native aggregator, Arbitrum, creating a hub for all traders of the Arbitrum ecosystem, according to the team: “With an intelligent intent-based order routing architecture, the new Hashflow system enables the Aggregator+ product to traders.” “Leverage nearly $8 billion of liquidity to get the best prices on the most popular tokens on Arbitrum. As the Arbitrum DeFi community continues to expand rapidly, Hashflow is positioning itself as a comprehensive trading platform for all users in the ecosystem.” (Arb)
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