HXAcoin (HXA) has been relatively more volatile compared to the cryptocurrency market. So far on Monday, the cryptocurrency has advanced 24.66% to $0.00002439900954.
Investor Monitor HXAcoin gives a volatility rating of 99. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the ratings on HXAcoin!
This measure of volatility follows what makes its score specific to recent trends, and it's never a bad day. HXA's high volatility reading is coupled with a low reading on the risk/reward scale, meaning the symbol has relatively wide price fluctuations and is well protected from price manipulation.
HXAcoin price is trading near resistance. With support near $0.0000137258621273112 and resistance near $0.0000273752184605009. This exposes HXAcoin to potential selling pressure in the future as it may be too much.