Results of the October 2023 Campus Pulse and Workplace Culture (CWC) survey show areas of strength for CU Denver faculty and staff, such as work-life balance and feelings of belonging, as well as areas where the university can improve, which includes promoting better teaching. Sense of community and pride. The Pulse Survey is an important tool as the university works to achieve its strategic goals of becoming the nation's first equity-serving institution and becoming a people-focused best place to work.

The pulse survey — which followed a more comprehensive CWC survey in the fall of 2021 that the CU System requested — was administered by the CWC Committee, which included governance and dean representatives as well as cross-departmental representation from the Office of Diversity and Equity. Inclusion, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE), schools, colleges and administrative units. OIRE Assistant Vice President Dave Deffenbacher and data analyst Laura Perego completed the compilation of staff data, which is now available to all faculty and staff in a convenient dashboard. As a reminder, survey data is anonymous, and no names or personal identities are used.

Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Antonio Farias encourages schools, colleges and units to use the dashboard as a guide to what is working well in their fields, and what needs attention.

“Data serves no purpose if it is not operationalized,” Farias said. “The good news is that all schools, colleges and administrative units have created their own comprehensive excellence plans in response to the 2021 CWC. So, despite the short time frame, we now have some data on the impact of the efforts, as well as the teams within each school, college and administrative unit that will be working with their communities to achieve progress.

Survey details

The survey was emailed to all UC Denver faculty and staff in October 2023. 307 members, or 26% of faculty, participated; For employees, 413, or 49%, participated. The survey included representation from every school and college, in addition to administrative units. The dashboard allows viewers to see answers based on school, college, and various demographic factors.

Although there was some overlap with the Staff Council Job Satisfaction Survey (conducted in December 2023), the CWC Pulse survey focused on academic and workplace culture and sense of belonging.

Read more: The scoreboard from the second annual Employee Satisfaction Survey is now available

Key findings

The Pulse Survey asked participants to agree or disagree with 10 different feelings about the workplace and life on campus. The survey also asked for answers related to race, ethnicity, and gender. Areas of strength are those that more than 65% of participating employees agreed or strongly agreed with, as well as questions that have seen growth since the 2021 survey. Growth areas are those that less than 50% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with (all saw Items in this category improved from 2021 to 2023).

Areas of strength include:

Areas of growth include:

Next steps

Farias and members of the CWC met with the Cabinet, Deans, Inclusive Excellence Council and shared governance leaders to review the findings. Farias will also visit schools and colleges during the spring and summer to discuss survey results and unit-wide comprehensive excellence plans. In the meantime, teams are encouraged to review and discuss their data at the unit level.

Farias and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Terry Engelke, who also serves on the CWC committee, said the findings will help inform new initiatives that support equity and support the workplace, as well as build on the progress of existing initiatives.

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Results of the October 2023 Campus Pulse and Workplace Culture (CWC) survey show areas of strength for CU Denver faculty and staff, such as work-life balance and feelings of belonging, as well as areas where the university can improve, which includes promoting better teaching. Sense of community and pride. The Pulse Survey is an important tool as the university works to achieve its strategic goals of becoming the nation's first equity-serving institution and becoming a people-focused best place to work.

The pulse survey — which followed a more comprehensive CWC survey in the fall of 2021 that the CU System requested — was administered by the CWC Committee, which included governance and dean representatives as well as cross-departmental representation from the Office of Diversity and Equity. Inclusion, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE), schools, colleges and administrative units. OIRE Assistant Vice President Dave Deffenbacher and data analyst Laura Perego completed the compilation of staff data, which is now available to all faculty and staff in a convenient dashboard. As a reminder, survey data is anonymous, and no names or personal identities are used.

Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Antonio Farias encourages schools, colleges and units to use the dashboard as a guide to what is working well in their fields, and what needs attention.

“Data serves no purpose if it is not operationalized,” Farias said. “The good news is that all schools, colleges and administrative units have created their own comprehensive excellence plans in response to the 2021 CWC. So, despite the short time frame, we now have some data on the impact of the efforts, as well as the teams within each school, college and administrative unit that will be working with their communities to achieve progress.

Survey details

The survey was emailed to all UC Denver faculty and staff in October 2023. 307 members, or 26% of faculty, participated; For employees, 413, or 49%, participated. The survey included representation from every school and college, in addition to administrative units. The dashboard allows viewers to see answers based on school, college, and various demographic factors.

Although there was some overlap with the Staff Council Job Satisfaction Survey (conducted in December 2023), the CWC Pulse survey focused on academic and workplace culture and sense of belonging.

Read more: The scoreboard from the second annual Employee Satisfaction Survey is now available

Key findings

The Pulse Survey asked participants to agree or disagree with 10 different feelings about the workplace and life on campus. The survey also asked for answers related to race, ethnicity, and gender. Areas of strength are those that more than 65% of participating employees agreed or strongly agreed with, as well as questions that have seen growth since the 2021 survey. Growth areas are those that less than 50% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with (all saw Items in this category improved from 2021 to 2023).

Areas of strength include:

  • 69% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that their management values ​​balance between their job and life outside of the work environment (an increase of 11% from 2021);
  • 59% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they are treated as they should (an increase of 6% from 2021);
  • 70% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that their work is respected by the people they work with.

Areas of growth include:

  • 46% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they have a sense of community (up from 42% from 2021);
  • 49% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that department resources were allocated transparently (up from 44% from 2021).

Next steps

Farias and members of the CWC met with the Cabinet, Deans, Inclusive Excellence Council and shared governance leaders to review the findings. Farias will also visit schools and colleges during the spring and summer to discuss survey results and unit-wide comprehensive excellence plans. In the meantime, teams are encouraged to review and discuss their data at the unit level.

Farias and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Terry Engelke, who also serves on the CWC committee, said the findings will help inform new initiatives that support equity and support the workplace, as well as build on the progress of existing initiatives.

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