The hit series on Netflix Wednesday Wednesday follows Addams (Jenna Ortega), a psychotic anti-heroine member of the infamous Addams Family, who begins attending Nevermore after her ordeal got her expelled from her previous school. While navigating a more evolving landscape of individuals and their abilities, Wednesday explores her personality and takes new steps toward a different lifestyle.
Here are the best quotes from the series Wednesday.
- Wednesday Addams: I find social media to be a soul-sucking vacuum of meaningless affirmation.
- Wednesday Addams: I don't believe in heaven or hell. But I believe in revenge. I usually serve it warm with a side of pain.
- Wednesday Addams: The only person who can torture my brother is me.
- Wednesday Addams: I don't bury axes. I sharpen them.
- Wednesday Addams: He used the words “little” and “girl” to address me again and I cannot guarantee your safety.
- Wednesday Addams: I brought a pocket scepter…the medieval kind.
- Tyler Galpin: What's not to like about a day that's all about you? Wednesday Addams: Every day revolves around me. These only come with cake and a bad song.
- Wednesday Addams: Lorch, please remind my parents that I no longer speak to them.
- Wednesday Addams: My father is twice your leg and the only thing that kills him is the occasional opera in the bathroom.
- Wednesday Addams: Edgar Allan Poe said: “Do not believe anything you hear, and do not believe half of what you see.” Obviously, the most famous Nevermore graduates made their choice here. No wonder he became a crazy drug addict.
- Wednesday Addams: Let's take stock, shall we? A bag over my head for optimal disorientation, wrists tied tightly enough to cut off circulation, and I have no idea if I'm going to live or die. It's definitely my kind of party.
- Wednesday Addams: Thus my hopes were dashed on the rocks of bitter disappointment. My enemy wasn't a psychotic killer, more like a bunch of high school clowns.
- Wednesday Addams: Sometimes intentions dissolve in the face of unexpected opportunity. If this was my chance to get up close and personal with a potential serial killer, how could I say no?
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