The entertainment industry in New York City suffers due to a crime problem that has increased in recent years.
It turns out that tourists don't like being robbed and assaulted, and therefore avoid the area. This must cost the city a fortune.
New York is on its way to becoming what it was in the 1970s, and for anyone who doesn't remember, that was a dark time for the city.
Breitbart News reports:
Broadway shows suffering as suburban tourists avoid New York City due to high crime rates
Broadway shows are said to be taking a financial hit as tourists from the suburbs increasingly avoid New York City due to rising crime levels.
Suburban residents of the New York metro area account for just 14 percent of total Broadway ticket sales for the 2022-2023 season — the lowest number on record in the 23 years the Broadway League has tracked such data, the New York Post reports.
Half of suburban residents who did not return to Broadway cited “safety concerns” as the main reason they saw fewer shows, according to a survey by marketing and advertising firm Situation Group.
Just over 40 percent of suburban residents reportedly agreed with the statement: “I travel to Manhattan for pleasure less often than I did in 2019.”
Assaults in Democratic-controlled New York rose 6 percent and car thefts rose 15 percent in 2023.
Mayor Eric Adams was supposed to deal with the city's crime problem, not stand idly by while things got worse.
Between street crime, homeless immigrants, and Islamic terrorist harassment, no one wants to venture into Manhattan for any reason
– Freedom Beacon (@LibertysBeacon1) January 4, 2024
decent. They will continue to vote for the party which makes all of this possible..
– Christian Toto (@HollywoodInToto) January 4, 2024
The sad truth is that things in New York may get a lot worse before they get better.