TL; doctor: The What To Post series offers a social media content cheat sheet using special days in December 2022. Download, install or bookmark it. Just keep the content calendar handy for reference!
the #WhatToPost series It’s our way of helping creators (and everyone else) find social media post ideas. Every month, we publish a content calendar full of special days you can use to create content.
blog mail Explain the December content calendar ideas and how to use special days of the month so your content resonates with your community.
Using the December content calendar for influencers the right way
As always, we start with a rule. Not every special day in December is meant for you. Don’t create content and post it on your social media on a date that has nothing to do with your niche.
Not all special days are suitable for creative people, and not all of them will suit all types of creative people.
A perfect example of this is December 2nd which is Pollution Day in India and Popping Corn Day elsewhere in the world.
- Choose Popcorn Day As your own content calendar idea if you want to become Mega nutritional influences. Then make a post talking about it Charles Creators The invention of the first commercial popcorn machine in 1885 on this day!
- However, if you Interested in the environment, health or sustainabilitythe idea is yours He chooses From december content calendar is Pollution Day. Do a post on how to make a sink aqi Your IQ is low!
1. Choose odd days from the content calendar
Another way to use special days in the December content calendar is to create content around odd days. You’d be amazed at the weird way it gets people talking. For example:
- On the second of Decembera waiter appreciation dayRaise a glass to your favorite bartender!
- On December 16, he Jane Austen Day Because it’s the author’s birthday, tweet something funky because it’s a universally acknowledged fact that humor will get you more likes. This content idea is perfect for book influencers.
2. Create a December content topic
A great december content calendar idea is Select a topic and create a thread around. Why? Well, because you are bound to come up with less ideas and you can post more.
Christmas is the obvious choice. Before December 25th, post information about recipes, gift ideas, costume ideas, and how to decorate your Christmas tree and home. After 25, use a file Twelve days of Christmas (from December 25 to January 5).
Two more theme ideas for your December posts are Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Of course, only create content around them if you celebrate either.
3. Choose the rocks that rock your boat
The trick to using the December content calendar to create posts is to identify the days that mean something to you.
- If you have a friend or family member who served in the Navy, salute them on December 4, Indian Navy Day.
- Or if you love animals, talk about how you do it Cheetahs returned to India Years later on World Cheetah Day – again the fourth
December content calendar cheat sheet
Super cute stuff to catch up on with our December 2022 content calendar
We give you complete control over how you use our December content calendar.
Don’t like a special day included in it? ignore him.
want to use everyone The days mentioned in the December 2022 calendar? Let the Spirit guide you!
All we ask is you Double check the dates. We’re a small (but mighty) team, so dumb #thngs happen sometimes. Also, this is by no means an exhaustive list of special days in December. Feel free to do your research andHolidays, regional events and festivals.
When creating content:
- Make sure of that It follows your voice, tone, and style and matches what your followers expect.
- Get creative For holidays such as the winter solstice (the twenty-first), Boxing Day (the twenty-sixth) and New Year’s Eve (the thirty-first).
- If you run out of ideas for days like Human Rights Day (10th), Minority Rights Day (18th), or Maths Day (22nd),Get a cool photo, overlay a relevant quote on it, and hit publish!
As usual, we leave you with one rule. It is not important to fill your social media account with content. What’s more important is having fun and being original.
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